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Book Reviews

Clarion Review-(Carolina Ciucci August 2021): The intriguing central mystery is handled with dexterity: the revelation of new information is gradual, and excellent red herrings increase the tension. Few clues arise throughout, but the revelations that do come combine with shocking plot twists, and all make sense in retrospect.
Kirkus Indie Media Review-April 2021: “Carter’s new career threatens to put him in even more danger than his old one. McDermont’s prose is generally smooth, effectively building tension and sometimes offering moments of humor.
Nazzy –  May 2022
Drowning in Shallow Water by David S McDermont is a suspenseful thriller. It portrays love, hate, deceit, friendship, betrayal, and trust mixed with tension, suicide, anxiety, and somewhat unrealistic dreams. The storyline is very mysterious, and locked up in it are deep secrets, unresolved crimes, unforeseen murders, and painful heartbreaks.

The story of Gavin Carter, although fiction, will be an appreciated one in our current day society. The imbalances of life all conjured up together to put Carter through a defining period of his life.

I enjoyed the narrative. The narrative was written so that you couldn’t possibly predict the turn-out of events. What one thought to be the main content turned out to be the tip of the iceberg. The culprit was always there but never recognized. History arranged itself to unfold its secret tenaciously, leaving a stunning imprint on the reader’s mind.

My rating for Drowning in Shallow Water is 4 out of 4 stars because the author did a brilliant job of putting this manuscript together. If you enjoy friendship and relationship-centred books, this might be the right one. Also, this book will benefit readers who love mystery and crime-related stories.
Drowning in Shallow Water
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